Jimmy Ross
ENG - Jimmy Ross aka Mel Turnet, singer from Trinidad, boasted a big success thank to tracks such as: First True Love Affair with a remix of the legendary dj from New York Larry Levan and Fall in to a Trance. Both tracks are out in the 1981 and have been released teaming up with Kano. IT - Jimmy Ross conosciuto anche come Mel Turner, cantante proveniente da Trinidad, vanta un enorme successo grazie a brani: First True Love affair con un remix del mitico dj newyorkese Larry Levan e Fall in to a trance, entrambe usciti nel 1981 e frutto del team formato da Jimmy Ross e Kano.Una produzione della FULL TIME RECORDS del periodo '70/'80/
A production by FULL TIME RECORDS dating back to the '70/'80/